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A member registered Jul 10, 2018

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How Do I Know If I have this version?

I forgot to mention the part where  the clothes change is when the MC falls ill and shoichi looks after him.  There was some other parts but I look into it when I play the game again. In fact you know when the game ask you who you should go home with is that the part where the pace spit or not?

Thank you so much Do you know what characters are available to date currently? 

I'm glad you're able to reply to this! I understand the creator is really busy!

1) Do you think that will be fixed?

2)Who is Kyoko ? The cat? And Ryoli is the bear right? It's good to know we will see more art of the amazing characters we haven't seen.

3)What did you have in mind? Do you have any more full names and age of the characters? 

4)New question: Do you know when the path splits for each of the datable characters?

5)Thanks! New question: Which part is prologue and when does it end? (keep in mind I have not finished the game yet

6) When I update the game and re download it what happens to the save file? Will I have two games folders in my downloads? How do I know which to delete?

7)You mentioned the log being buggy what is the log?

8)When do we see "musky husky"?


(1 edit)

Dear WOTB, 

I have many questions about this game, Firstly it's freaking brilliant! I didn't know there was other games in a doki doki style.

Here are my Questions/comments:

1) Mainly In the part where the MC is sick he seems to be changing clothes a lot Is that normal? 

2) When I see stakeholder characters is that to make me imagine what they look like or are they coming later? EG: the coach

3) I tried looking online for the main characters full name and age (like jun etc) but it comes up with Mario tennis ace instead ( which is extremely annoying) Could you perhaps tell me them?

4) I see a lot of people calling this game a demo... Is it one or is that because it's not finished yet. If it's a demo will the full version be free?

5)I would like to try EA. Do you have a link?

6) I'm new to how do updates for this game work do I have to keep checking here or does it do automatically ?

8) Is Shoichi a wolf or a dog?

7) THANKS FOR CREATING THIS! I'm enjoying a lot it's adorable!